10 years serving our products in the heart of Port-Louis. On the menu, Good Food, Great Service and Genuine Smiles.
Sandwich 🥖 Panini 💮 Wrap 🌯 Salad 🥗 French Fries 🍟
Sandwich 🥖 Panini 💮 Wrap 🌯 Salad 🥗 French Fries 🍟
The Best Sandwiches in Port-Louis.
Such a claim can’t be left untested. Don’t take our word for it, come try for YOURSELF!
Our Location
📍 Fon Sing Building, Edith Cavell Street, Port-Louis.
The perfect place to vibe in the vibrant discourse of all things past⬅️, present🌟 and future➡️.
20° 09' 52.8" S
57° 30' 02.5" E
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